June 26, 2002

To the Editor The Oregonian

To the editor:

Bush's Sharon approved Middle East Peace plan is a recipe for unending disaster. Who decides whether the Palestinians have met, despite the continued occupation and hopelessness, the requirements set forth by the Bush administration? Apparently the U.S. and Israeli governments.

What people would allow their occupier and their occupiers main supporter to chose their government? What happens if the Palestinians fairly re-elect Yasser Arafat? How can an occupied people be expected to run fair elections and start a "market economy" under a 24 hour curfew? When will the settlements and appropriation of Palestinian land, curfews, and checkpoints and all the other dangers and indignities of occupation end?

How many more suicide bombs, tank shells, and helicopter missiles will rain down on the Israeli and Palestinian people before this inept proposal runs its course? Israel's largest paper, Yediot Aharonot, asks "How many other people will be gone by then, ours and theirs, the president did not say." The world wanted leadership, Bush gave us continued occupation and despair.

Sincerely yours,

Peter Miller

Status: Published, July 1st, 2002
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