Dear Editoral Staff,

You must be intelligent people. You have access to many facts. You must also have a respect for the truth. The fact you are in a profession that takes pride in telling the truth in a country that is free to do so must make you strive to do so. So I ask, when you print someone's letter that isn't the truth, why wouldn't you be happy to print a letter that explains what is the truth so you can educate your readers as to what is true? Email Jon Mandaville, professor at PSU to see if I'm right. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This will get you Diane, his wife. She will get him to give you an answer. This man is also wrong about Arabs wanting to destroy Israel. I had no space to reply to that ongoing lie. Even Arafat in 1988 and 1993, and recently the whole of the Arab countries have recognized the right of the State of Israel to exist. They did this partly so Palestine would survive and their people would stop suffering. But they did do it in black and white. There are fanatics in both camps. We have to stop allowing them to run the show. If you are an honorable paper, you will help by printing the truth. That is all I ask. You can start by printing my rebutal. Thank You, Doug W.

To the Editor,

Hanoch Liven, "Total Destruction Sought," 7-13-2002 makes several of the usual misstatements we in the peace movement hear. Though less frequently as America becomes better informed.

Israel should never have been started as it was in 1948. We call this ethnic cleansing today. Several Jews, our state department and several intellectuals warned of the unfairness of moving immigrants into a land already populated. Turns out they were right.

The Palestinians have wanted to have their own country for years. The British gave all Arabs in that area the chance during WW I. "Help us drive the Turks from your land, and we will make you independent countries."

The British and the French followed through with their promise to Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt. The British reneged on their promise to the Palestinians. Shame on them. That was only the start of the various injustices to the Palestinians who suffer terribly today.

Doug Willbanks
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