To the Editor, 8-7-2002

President Bush has set the rules. If you are a terrorist, or if you support terrorists, you will be neutralized, destroyed or killed.

Could it be that others see our country as fitting this criteria?

The front pages of the New York Times of 1946 and 1947 describe many acts against the British and Palestinians by Jewish terrorists. In 1948 those same Jewish terrorists carried out their biggest act. They brutally took 78% of Palestine. Drove 750,000 Palestinians from their homes, cities, villages, farms and businesses. With no compensation to them to this very day.

This terrorism still goes on. Over 55% of what is left of Palestine has been illegally confiscated since 1967. Illegal settlements, illegal Israeli-only roads are but a start of the list of wrongs. And yes, our country supports it with over $3,000,000,000 of our tax dollars and military equipment each year.

Doug Willbanks
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