Dear President Bush -

On August 6th, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld made some disturbing comments regarding Israel's occupation and its settlements.

At a Pentagon Town Hall meeting, Secretary Rumsfeld stated that Israel has “made some settlements in various parts of the ‘so-called’ occupied area, which was the result of a war, which they won.” This statement is extremely disturbing on two counts: First, the occupation area is not 'so-called,' it is a brutal fact and the entire world acknowledges this. Second, he seems to imply that the Israelis are entitled to the land because they have occupied it for thirty five years as the result of war, a war in which they, in fact, started. This is against international law and U.S. principle. The U.S. fought a war with Iraq because they captured and held Kuwait as the result of military aggression. Might does not make right. We must foster and uphold the principles of international law. Rumsfeld, dangerously, appears to have another view.

Regarding the future status of these settlements, Secretary Rumsfeld said that “it’s hard to know whether they’re [sic] settlements in portions of the ‘real estate’ that will end up with that [Palestinian] entity that you make an arrangement with or Israel. So it seems to me focusing on settlements at the present time misses the point.” This statement, of course, flies in the face of Secretary of State Colin Powell's own statements about the terrible impact the settlements have on the prospects for peace. The settlements and their continued expansion are illegal under international law and represent an attempt by Israel to establish permanent facts on the ground in order to prevent a viable Palestinian state. The settlements represent to the Palestinians proof positive that the Israelis are not interested in a serious solution but instead intend to capture as much land as possible through occupation and settlements. Certainly, Rumsfeld must realize this.

I can only take these statements to mean that Rumsfeld himself is not interested in a real solution to the conflict and aligns himself with the right wing Israelis and Americans that advocate, sometimes openly, the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians as the solution. The thought that this man is our Secretary of Defense is frankly terrifying and repugnant to me. I ask that you clearly repudiate his statements.

Sincerely yours,

Peter Miller
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