Dear Mother Jones,

The exchange of thoughts after the "Behind the Green Line," by Chris Fan comes close to the truth without getting to it. The truth people have to wrestle with is: does the Bible give Israel title to the land west of the Jordan River? (And even further) This is the underlying fact of the Zionist ideology. "This is our land," the Israeli settler will tell you. "The Palestinians will have to go somewhere else." So says the true Zionist and his brother, the Christian Right. They're totally indifferent to the human rights, legal rights, and moral rights of the Palestinians. The true Zionist, their powerful US Jewish lobbyists, and the Christian right control both the Israeli Govt. and the US Govt. So be prepared to grit your teeth, and look away from the brutal methods coming to get the rest of the Palestinian lands. What a shame for our country to fund and give military equipment so this tragedy of history will continue to happen.

Doug Willbanks
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